Get song ideas for the different parts of the Davening by browsing some of the content below!
Familiarize yourself with MTC's most common tunes for the High Holiday service with our Chazzanim of years past, Rabbi Zalman Kaplan and Sholom B. Polter #Hi...
1: Yaaleh 0:09 יעלה 2: Ki Hinei 3:48 כי הנה 3: Rachamono 5:18 רחמנא 4: Darkecho 6:19 דרכך 5: Avinu Malkeinu 8:12 אבינו מלכנו 6: Vahaviosim 10:04 והביאותים 7:...
As we prepare for the Yomim Nora'im, get into the Yom Tov spirit and watch this brand new Freilach production, performed this past Tuesday by 40 musicians at...